States, properties and uses of Matter

 At the end of this article, you should by to:

1) Define matter
2) Know States of Matter
3) Differentiate between solid, Liquid and gas
4) properties of Matter
5) Name several uses of matter


Matter can be simply defined as any thing that has weight and occupies spaced. By this definition, it can be deduced that everything in the universe is made up of matter. Examples of matter includes: the plants and the animals around, food we eat, Air we breathe, Likewise, we ourselves  are examples of matter.
Mass is defined as the quantity of matter  in an object. It value does not varying from place to place.

States of matter

Matter exists in three physical forms , namely: solid, Liquid and gas.

Solid: This form of matter has a definite shape and definite volume. Examples are: chair, a human being, stone, rocks, shoe , paper etc.

Liquid: This is a form of matter that has a definite volume but not a definite shape. It's assumes the shape of its container. Examples are: kerosene, water, petrol, diesel, urine etc.

Gas: This is a form of matter that has neither a definite shape or definite volume. It fills the entire container. Examples are: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, butane , carbon (IV) oxide, methane etc.

Comparison between Liquid, solid, and gaseous molecules

All matter can change from one state to another. The  most common change of a substance that undergoes change of state is water(liquid state).
Ice block (solid state) ----->when water undergoes freezing.
Steam (gaseous state) ----->when water undergoes evaporation.

Properties of matter

Properties are characteristics with which a matter (substance) can be identified. For example, sugar dissolves the water and the solution tastes sweet, while iron has a metallic luster.

Physical properties are properties associated with physical change. Examples are: change of state [melting, boiling, condensation, evaporation etc.], density, color, tastes, odor, solubility, hardness, malleability, ductility etc.

Chemical properties are those properties associated with physical changes. Examples are: rusting, burning, oxidation, reduction etc.

Some uses of matter as it pertains to our everyday life.

1) We use matter to breathe --e.g Air
2) We use matter to quench a thirst --e.g. Water
3) We use matter to aid transportation --e.g car, train, bus etc.
4) We use matter to improve our crops --e.g Fertilisers, tractors, bulldozer etc.
5) We use matter to improve our eating habits --e.g spoons, forks, knife etc.
6) We use matter to pass information from one person to another --e.g; telephone, radio, fax etc.
7) We use matter to sustain our life --e.g; crops, animals etc.
8) We use matter to know the time at a certain period --e.g; clock, watch etc.
9) We use matter for entertainment --e.g; mp3 players, DVDs etc.
10) We use matter to store information --e.g flash drive, compact disk, computer etc.

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